
Conversation Assistant

Description: Android app that takes all of the hard work out of starting and carrying conversations.

Technologies: Android, Kotlin, Terraform, Python, CI/CD (Github Actions).

Code Review Leaderboard

Description: Command-line application that creates a leaderboard which reveals who is doing the most code reviews at your organisation.

Technologies: TypeScript, NodeJS, Azure, GitLab, CI/CD (Azure).

NPM Downloads Increaser

Description: Command-line application that spams the NPMJS API with fake downloads for a package, artificially inflating the number of downloads for that package.

Technologies: TypeScript, NodeJS, CI/CD (Azure).

Lachie’s Sudoku Solver

Description: Cross-platform mobile application that can solve a Sudoku by taking a picture of it.

Technologies: Flutter, Android, IOS, CI/CD (CodeMagic).

Flutter SonarQube Image

Description: Adds Flutter support for SonarQube code quality scanning.

Technologies: Docker.